Spa Night
Organizers of a Spa Night sponsor a refreshing evening for women on campus.
changing reputation

A group of Christian students makes changes to improve their reputation and serve their campus

Bahrani cinema
The films of Ramin Bahrani are essential viwing for students concerned with justice issues.
Native leaders - male

Native American students are following Jesus and extending community to their peers.

Latinos at Texas Tech

A new ministry for Latino students is built on prayer, Bible study and outreach

Difficult roommates
Roommate testimonials that highlight the rich tapestry of dorm life.
What every small group member wants to know
A helpful set of questions for small group leaders and members to discuss.
I hate religion
Students dialogue about their experiences with religion, the church and Jesus.
Erin's story
A freshman with questions about her faith is embraced by students in a newly-formed Christian community on campus
after large group
Creative ideas for hanging out and having fun with your friends.
