For's EC-060918.

Why are we so busy? We’ve found a few good articles about busyness that fit this hectic season of the year.

ME play

This play, written by students, examines identity issues and faith in the context of campus life.


Create a skit team and use skits as a fun and creative vehicle to communicate God’s love.

Retaining new students
Ideas for keeping and involving the students who showed up at NSO activities.
Evaluating new student outreach
Use these questions to get ready for next year’s NSO.

A student mobilizes her campus to show compassion and raise money for children she knew in an African orphanage.

home again

Sidebar to “Home Again!” Reflection questions for cross-cultural re-entry.

Some summer beach reading
Alex Kirk tells us what he takes to the beach to read
Review of The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight is a worthwhile movie about redemption and renewal.
