mobilizing your chapter to serve
How an InterVarsity group can serve the needs of the campus
Creative wrap-up ideas
Ideas for celebrating the end of your small-group’s time together.
getting along
Getting along on a leadership team is as important as planning.
Developing leaders
Decide to serve on a leadership team for the right reasons, not out of obligation.
Is body art biblical?

Why do people pierce and tattoo? What does the Bible say about body art?

Hard pressed

Just as olives are crushed to make oil, Jesus felt the crushing hand of God in Gethsemane, which means “oil press.”

Affected by injustice
A campus mission at University of the Pacific.
For SP - 20070316sb
Here are ten principles for avoiding “brownout” as an active student.
For SP - 20070316
You’re an active and busy student. Is it okay to take time for personal rest and renewal?
For IV - 20070307
Mary Anne tells about the daily hour of prayer she began as a student and which she continues to maintain.
