SP - Making of a Leader
What makes a real leader?
For StudentSoul.org's GQ-060823.

I’d like to start reading the Bible, but it feels like a massive undertaking. Is there a good way to start?

for sp - 20061122

As president in 1864, Abraham Lincoln calls the nation to a day of thanksgiving.

What motivated God to be born incarnate – to become human flesh and blood?
For EC - 20061205

A collection of Christmas poems from the archives of His magazine and Student Leadership Journal.

Enlarging your worship culture
Multicultural worship is worth the effort. Here are some ways to expand your experience.
for GQ - 20061128

When a close friend is dating someone you don’t like, what do you do? When it comes to dating and relating, there really are very few black and white answers.

For GQ - 20061025

Simple enough question, but the answer may not be quite so simple.


What do you do when your super-sized to-do list exceeds the hours in your day?

busy sickness
Have you struggled with being too busy all through your college years? You’re not alone.
