healing for healers

Nursing students are challenged to embrace Jesus as the one true healer of body, mind and spirit.

Choosing new leaders

It’s never too early to begin seeking leaders to replace those who will be graduating or changing leadership roles the end of the year.

Jeremy Lin

An interview with Harvard basketball star Jeremy Lin

SP - Say yes or no to leading?
Saying no to the invitation to lead may be a more difficult act of obedience than saying yes.

What happens when someone’s sexual past complicates a current relationship?

hope for struggling chapters
Comparing my small InterVarsity chapter with large, strong chapters in my area left me frustrated, until I saw what God was doing on my campus.
lunch money
Studying issues of poverty wasn’t just an academic exercise for students who applied what they learned over lunch.
SP - Me? A small-group leader?

Anyone who has these qualities can probably be an effective small-group leader.

For SP - 20061208
These grad students had no idea of the surprise awaiting them on that dreaded finals day. A modern parable of grace.
For SP - 20061013

The power and excitement of God’s word to us is often revealed in the rich language of “word pictures” or metaphors.
