You may wonder if you will ever change the world, but if you’re involved in a Christian group on campus, you have more influence that you think.
The Best of Urbana 09

We’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of Urbana 09 by highlighting the most-watched videos from this life-changing mission conference. One year ago, nearly 16,000 college students, missionaries and other delegates gathered in St. Louis to pursue their part in God’s work in the world. Whether or not you were there, these classic videos may inspire you to whole-heartedly follow Jesus into the life-giving mission he has for you today.
Take the quick tour with the Urbana 09 Summary Video. This overview of the conference highlights speakers, musicians and testimonials. Hear from delegates about how they are taking steps to become active agents in God’s global community. Their enthusiasm is contagious.
Here are the most-watched videos from Urbana 09:
1. Theatre and Dance: The Word
Listen right now! Hear the sound? The Gospel of John comes to life in dance, music and rhythms that will get your feet and heart a’tappin’. Push the envelope with the Word that became flesh and lived among us! There’s a reason this video tops the list.
2. Pray Big and Pray Bold
If your prayer life needs a boost, this inspiring talk by Sundar Krishnan will transform your conversations with the Lord. Discover how to use Scripture to powerfully pray for others.
3. The State of Christianity
How effective is the church in communicating the message of Christianity to the rest of the world? Know the world God so loves in this video by Twentyonehundred Productions.
Wait, there’s more!
We can’t overlook the powerful personal stories of reconciliation and forgiveness by Korean-American Michael Oh and Rwandan Antoine Rutayisire. Travel deeper into the heart of China and catch a glimpse of God’s work there in this humble interview with Patrick Fung. We’re also highly recommending “Money and Power” by Oscar Muriu and “Bringing the Kingdom of God Down to Earth” by Shane Claiborne.
Go to for more on how you can be involved in God’s global mission. Plan now to attend the next Urbana student missions conference in on December 27-31, 2012, in St. Louis. Discover how you can make a difference in your world!
Here’s how Urbana 09 changed the short life of one student who was passionate about serving God: Between Urbanas.
See how InterVarsity students returned to their campuses after Urbana 09 committed to fighting child slavery and helping children orphaned by AIDS in this video.