A shy freshman reflects on meeting an outgoing senior whose friendly invitation changed her life.
Time for a Personal Checkup!

Sometimes students in leadership or heavy-demand volunteer positions can lose site of their own well-being. How are you doing, not only spiritually, but also as a whole person? Try this checkup:
- I’m spending time daily with my heavenly Father in prayer.
- I’m making time to read and study his Word.
- I try to confess my sins and repent of them regularly.
- I remember to thank God for what he has done and to praise him for who he is.
- I’m getting proper nutrition.
- I’m getting adequate amounts of sleep.
- I get enough exercise.
- I take time to relax and play and enjoy fun times.
- I frequently remind myself what I’ve learned about God, his ways, and his promises.
- I celebrate what God is doing around me and in me.
- I am honest with God, myself and others, sharing my experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
- I remember that (and act as if) I am part of a team and not responsible for everything.
Time Management:
- I know my priorities and sometimes even keep them straight.
- I regularly evaluate whether I should drop some responsibilities.
- I keep “wide margins” in my calendar, so as not to be spread too thin.
- I believe and act toward others as if people are more important than programs.
� InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. All rights reserved.