Lisa Espineli Chinn shares her warmth, wisdom and vision for hosting and learning from international students.
There is more to college life than academics and partying. It is a time to figure out who you are and why you’re here.
Featured Articles
Rick Warren, speaker at the upcoming Urbana 06 convention and author of _The Purpose-driven Life_, downloads his thoughts for college students.
Christians claim that God wants us to _know him_. Being made in the “image of God” is a concept that can help us understand him.
Part of a collection of Christmas poems from His magazine and Student Leadership journal.
Part of a collection of Christmas poems from His magazine and Student Leadership journal.
Part of a collection of Christmas poems from His magazine and Student Leadership journal.
Part of a collection of Christmas poems from His magazine and Student Leadership journal.
Part of a collection of Christmas poems from His magazine and Student Leadership journal.