We love to tell stories, post thoughtful essays, and pass along good ideas. And we have a lot of articles and news to share around topics you care about.
Changing our reputation and opening doors A group of Christian students makes changes to improve their reputation and serve their campus Tags: Chapter GrowthSpotlightLead OnReaching Out
Native American student ministry is rising Native American students are following Jesus and extending community to their peers. Tags: Chapter PlantingSpotlightThink Ethnic
New Latino group launches at Texas Tech A new ministry for Latino students is built on prayer, Bible study and outreach Tags: Chapter PlantingSpotlightThink Ethnic
Skit with it: challenging your chapter through humor Create a skit team and use skits as a fun and creative vehicle to communicate God’s love. Tags: Chapter GrowthSpotlightLead On
Connecting Montana students with Kenyan orphans A student mobilizes her campus to show compassion and raise money for children she knew in an African orphanage. Tags: Crossing CulturesSocial JusticeSpotlightReaching Out
New student outreach: Get ready! Creative ideas to serve new students and welcome them into your witnessing community. Tags: New Student OutreachChapter GrowthSpotlightLead On
Students host AIDS art exhibit at WMU Student artists host an art exhibit that creates change in them, and in their art department and in the world. Tags: SpotlightAcademic LifeReaching Out
Mission-oriented small groups at UC Berkeley Students organize Bible study groups around a common interest and mission. Tags: Social JusticeChapter GrowthSpotlightLead OnReaching Out
Multiplying small groups at a commuter campus A student in a Bible study creates four new small groups on her commuter campus Tags: Chapter GrowthSpotlightLead On
First, prayer... A rekindled commitment to pray together results in spiritual change and a new direction for students and their chapter. Tags: Chapter GrowthSpotlightSpiritual JourneysLiving Worship